The latest version of MyStats was called V1.16, but since this version has a lot of new features, we decided to call it V1.20.
Here is the list of the new features!
1. Shortcuts
You can now move between Record and Analyze screens back and forth. On the Timeline screen, there is a new "Analyze" button on the top. You can now directly move to the Pie Chart screen by tapping this button.
When you go to the Pie Chart screen from the Analyze menu, you'll see "Record" button there, too.
For the Daily Activity function, we've also added "Analyze" and "Record" buttons. On the Daily Activity Record screen, when you tap on the "Analyze" button, you'll see some changes on the screen. You can now move to any Line Graph screen directly by tapping any Daily Activity.
When you go to the Line Graph screen from the Analyze menu, you'll see something even cooler. When you tap the "Record" button on the Line Graph screen, you will have a list of records of this Daily Activity.
If you happened to miss a day of recording, you can now find it and input your value much easily.
2. Expanded Timeline
Have you ever wanted to record a Timed Activity which starts before midnight and ends after midnight? The Timeline screen of MyStats was limited to display only 0 o'clock to midnight, which you could not record Activities that went past midnight. Some users didn't like this, so we rebuilt the Timeline screen entirely.
On the new Timeline screen, when you come to the end of the day, you'll see "Tomorrow". It's endless. You can scroll on through to the next day, and the next day, and the next day. And of course, you can now record your Activities on through and past midnight.
You may have thought that your Dream or Goal fits on your Pie Chart and some of your Line Graphs, but it doesn't fit on other Line Graphs. At least, I have.
So we decided to add "My Dream or Goal" on the settings screen of each Line graph. If you specify your Dream or Goal for a Line Graph, it will be displayed on the Line Graph screen instead of the Dream or Goal that you specified in the General Settings page.
Some users want to see the Pie Chart with all time displayed. MyStats used to show you the Pie Chart with only recorded hours. For example, when you have "Day" for the Time Range, and you have 12 hours recorded for that day, your Pie Chart will display only 12 hours as a whole. Therefore, you could see the ratio of each Activity within 12 hours, but you could not see it within 24 hours unless you fill the whole day with records.
On MyStats V1.20, you have a new setting called "Non-Recorded Time" on the setting screen of the Pie Chart. You can choose either "Ignore on the Pie Chart and Summary" as it has been, or "Include on the Pie Chart and Summary" as a new option.
I believe some users just don't need this new feature and some really do.
Let's say a message pops up on your screen and you tap the Close button immediately without reading the message. After the message disappears, you start thinking you might have missed some useful information. Have you ever had this kind of experience? Again, I have.
So we added Notification List on the Help & Contacts menu. You can now check recently closed messages here.
There are some other minor changes and improvements such as a better look for the Help menu, etc. At the end of this blog article, we'd like to tell you one more thing.
Since MyStats V1.20 has a lot of new features, we had to change the internal structure and data format. Therefore, when you open MyStats after updating to V1.20, data conversion will be processed. There will be instructions on the screen, but just to let you know in advance, here they are:
- This data conversion takes 30 seconds to 2 minutes depending on the amount of data recorded.
- If you close MyStats or open other apps during this process, data conversion is resumed and will be restarted when you reopen MyStats.
That's it for now. Have fun with MyStats V1.20. It'll be coming soon!

Self-Management, Time Management, Productivity, GTD... MyStats
Available on the App Store (For FREE!)
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