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December 9, 2012

What's New on MyStats V1.31

The new version of MyStats is almost ready and will be released soon!

Let's take a look at the great new features!

1. "Slide Select" for Timed Activity

A new way to record Timed Activities has been added.

When you select a time range as usual ... 

Your Timed Activity Masters appear on both sides of the selected time range. Slide these masters and select the one you want to record.

Now you can record just by tapping an Activity on the timeline screen.

If you tap the selected time range without sliding the masters, you can record the same way as before.

Since we were so excited about this new feature, we have even moved the release schedule ahead. We hope you like it!

2. Dropbox Backup & Restore

"Backup & Restore" is one of the long-awaited functions of MyStats users. Thank you for waiting!

Now you can backup and restore with Dropbox.

Do you know Dropbox? Dropbox offers a cloud storage and synchronization of your files between your different devices. 2GB storage is available for free.

Create a Dropbox account if you don't have one.

Now, let's walk through how it works.

1) Tap on the "Backup & Restore" button in the Setting & Tool menu.

2) Tap on the "Backup" button.

3) Sign in to Dropbox.

4) After tapping "Yes", a backup file will be created.

5) Tap "YES" after checking the size of the backup file.

6) After a moment, the backup file will be uploaded to Dropbox.

Next, let's cover how to restore your data.

1) Tap on the "Restore" button.

2) Select a backup you want to restore.


3) After tapping "Yes", your data will be restored.

We recommend you to backup about every month or so.

By the way, as it's stated underneath the Restore button, when you restore, all of the information in MyStats will be deleted and replaced with the information from your backup. So we recommend you to backup before restoring.

3. iPhone 5 compatible

MyStats is now compatible with iPhone 5 (4 inch display).

You can see more without scrolling.

That's it for now. Have fun with MyStats V1.31. It's coming very soon!


This version works with iOS4.3 or later. If you use iOS4.2 or earlier, please update your iOS.

lifelog, time management, self-management
Available on the App Store (For FREE!)

October 31, 2012

Evernote Analysis - Advanced

As I explained in another post, Evernote Analysis, Evernote Analysis function has been added to MyStats from V.1.30.

In this post, I will introduce some advanced information of this function.

- Manual Data Import

Although Evernote information is imported once a day automatically, you can also import the latest information manually.

Take a look at the Daily Activity Record screen.

By tapping on "Evernote: Monthly Usage", you can import the latest information.

You can also tap on "Evernote: # of Notes" and you will see the message below.

You can import the latest information by tapping on "Only unupdated data".

You use "All data" only when you want to delete all of the imported # of Notes data and re-import everything. You might want to use it when you re-organize a lot of old notes.

- Cumulative (All Recorded Data)

We have added a new item for Data Processing Type in the Line Graph settings.

 In the older version of MyStats, you only could cumulate data displayed in the Line Graph. Now you can select "Cumulative (All Recorded Data)" and cumulate all of the data you have.

In order to show your life-time Evernote information, we needed to add this new function.

Of course you can select this item for any other Daily Activities.  If you want to know how many sit-ups you have done within the last two years, you can see it.

By the way, MyStats handles data only from 2010 and beyond.  So if you started using Evernote in 2009 or earlier, all prior data will be summarized and added to January 1st of 2010.


Evernote Analysis function works with iOS4.2 or later. It works on iPhone 3GS or later, iPod touch 3rd Generation or later, and any iPad. If you use iOS4.1 or earlier, please update your iOS.

lifelog, time management, self-management
Self-Management, Time Management, Productivity, GTD... MyStats
Available on the App Store (For FREE!)

Evernote Analysis

Evernote Analysis function has been added to MyStats from V.1.30!

This new function came about in a brainstorming with Evernote people and Kenji (Creator of MyStats) which took place during a visit to Evernote headquarters in Silicon Valley.

Another aspect of this new function is that it is the first external data handling function of MyStats. Moving forward, we will be adding more new functions which handle the data of other services and apps.

By the way, do you know Evernote?

It is a service with which you remember everything. You can store text, PDFs, photos, web pages, and anything in Evernote and access your data through a PC, iPhone, and various devices wherever you are.
The "Evernote Analysis" function of MyStats was developed for Evernote users. If you are not an Evernote user, you can become one now. Try Evernote with MyStats. Both are for free!

So let me introduce the function. With this function, you can...

Get information from Evernote automatically,

and visualize it with Line Graphs.

What you can get is "# of Notes" and "Monthly Usage".

Let's see the step by step instructions.

Tap on the new button "Add "Evernote Analysis"" on the Record menu, and then tap on "Analyze # of Notes".

Add a new Daily Activity by tapping YES,

and then, import data by tapping YES, again.

If you are not logged in to Evernote, the login screen will appear, so login to Evernote. That's it. You are done with "# of Notes".

In the same way, let's also add "Monthly Usage" and import data.

Now you are ready to analyze them.

Access the Daily Activity Record screen from the Record menu.

You can see the new Daily Activities you have just added.

By tapping "Analyze" and then "Evernote: # of Notes",

you can see how you have created notes ever since you started using Evernote.

Let's check "Monthly Usage" as well.

What you see here is just a dot.  It's because only current Monthly Usage information is available at Evernote.  We cannot access past data, like yesterday or last month. So what you can see here is only today's data which you have just imported.

However, as long as you keep this Daily Activity and launch MyStats on a daily basis, Monthly Usage information will be imported automatically.  So with no efforts, after a while, you will have a Line Graph like this.

In Evernote, you can find out what your current Monthly Usage is at anytime.  But as I said, you cannot see past information.  "How much did I store in Evernote last month?" If you wanted to know, there was no way to find out.

With the Evernote Analysis function of MyStats, just by using MyStats, Monthly Usage information is recorded automatically and you can see it on the Line Graph.

Do you like this?  I think, this is a great tool for Evernote users:-)

If you are new to MyStats, please start using MyStats with very simple activities, such as Weight, Time I Got Up, and so on.

Do NOT try to start with many activities and overwhelm yourself;-)

If you want to know more about the Evernote Analysis function, please see Evernote Analysis - Advanced.


lifelog, time management, self-management
Self-Management, Time Management, Productivity, GTD... MyStats
Available on the App Store (For FREE!)

August 31, 2012

What's New on MyStats V1.23

The latest version of MyStats has been released. Many new features are now available!

Let's take a look at them!

1. Twitter Integration

Not only to Facebook and Evernote, you can now post your analysis and comments to Twitter directly!

There is a new "Tweet" button.

You can write up to 118 characters excluding the URL of the analysis picture. An official Hash tag is also available.

After checking the preview, tap on the "Tweet" button.

Here it is.

Why don't you tweet your dream or goal and charts letting your friends know how you are doing?

2. My Memo

You can write a memo on the Daily Activity Record screen.

Before, those memos could only be seen on this daily screen, but not anymore. You now have a new "My Memo" screen and can see all of the memos you wrote together.

On the Analyze menu screen, there is a new "My Memo" button and it'll take you there.

It's especially for those of who write a quick journal on MyStats. If you are not, how about trying it?

3. Start Month for the Annual Line Graph

There is a new option in the Line Graph Settings screen.

Before, when you opened the 1 year Line Graph, it always showed last 12 months.

However, if you've set an annual goal at the beginning of the year, what you'd like to see is a Line Graph which starts from January.

In this case, you set January as the Start Month for 1 Year. Then you'll always see the Line Graph starting from January.

If you've set an annual goal for your school year, you can set your graph to start from September. Or you still can choose Last 12 Months to let MyStats work just as it's been.

We believe that your annual goal management is now a lot easier;)
There are some other minor changes and improvements.

Do you like V1.23? We hope so!

lifelog, time management, self-management
Self-Management, Time Management, Productivity, GTD... MyStats
Available on the App Store (For FREE!)

May 8, 2012

Accessing The Timeline Screen Directly From Bird's-Eye View

For V1.20, we have added shortcut buttons. With these buttons you can go back and forth between recording and analyzing screens.

After releasing this feature, we received comments from users saying that they also want to access the Timeline screen from the Bird's-Eye View screen directly.

Actually there is not a shortcut button on the Bird'-Eye View, but there is a way.

On the Bird's-Eye View, double tap anywhere you want to dive into.

Now you are at the Timeline screen.

Did you know this?

This is a have-to-know feature, especially to those who use the Bird's-Eye View as their main screen. Give it a try!

lifelog, time management, self-management
Self-Management, Time Management, Productivity, GTD... MyStats
Available on the App Store (For FREE!)

April 10, 2012

How To Change The Time Range of A Recorded Activity Easily

Have you ever changed the time range of a recorded Timed Activity?

It used to be that you had to open the Timed Activity Recording screen through the Timeline screen.

Since V1.14, you can change the time range just by dragging records on the Timeline screen. Did you know this?

It's a very easy operation.

1. On the Timeline screen, touch a recorded Timed Activity and wait a moment until the record is bordered by a red line.

2. Slide your finger and change the time range as you wish.

3. Remove your finger and the red line disappears.


With this operation, you can change the time range simply.
Give it a try!

lifelog, time management, self-management
Self-Management, Time Management, Productivity, GTD... MyStats
Available on the App Store (For FREE!)

January 19, 2012

What's New on MyStats V1.20

The latest version of MyStats was called V1.16, but since this version has a lot of new features, we decided to call it V1.20.

Here is the list of the new features!

1. Shortcuts
You can now move between Record and Analyze screens back and forth. On the Timeline screen, there is a new "Analyze" button on the top. You can now directly move to the Pie Chart screen by tapping this button.

When you go to the Pie Chart screen from the Analyze menu, you'll see "Record" button there, too.

For the Daily Activity function, we've also added "Analyze" and "Record" buttons. On the Daily Activity Record screen, when you tap on the "Analyze" button, you'll see some changes on the screen. You can now move to any Line Graph screen directly by tapping any Daily Activity.

When you go to the Line Graph screen from the Analyze menu, you'll see something even cooler. When you tap the "Record" button on the Line Graph screen, you will have a list of records of this Daily Activity.

If you happened to miss a day of recording, you can now find it and input your value much easily.

2. Expanded Timeline
Have you ever wanted to record a Timed Activity which starts before midnight and ends after midnight? The Timeline screen of MyStats was limited to display only 0 o'clock to midnight, which you could not record Activities that went past midnight. Some users didn't like this, so we rebuilt the Timeline screen entirely.

On the new Timeline screen, when you come to the end of the day, you'll see "Tomorrow". It's endless. You can scroll on through to the next day, and the next day, and the next day. And of course, you can now record your Activities on through and past midnight.

3. Dream or Goal for each Line Graph
You may have thought that your Dream or Goal fits on your Pie Chart and some of your Line Graphs, but it doesn't fit on other Line Graphs. At least, I have.

So we decided to add "My Dream or Goal" on the settings screen of each Line graph. If you specify your Dream or Goal for a Line Graph, it will be displayed on the Line Graph screen instead of the Dream or Goal that you specified in the General Settings page.

4. Pie chart with Non-Recorded time
Some users want to see the Pie Chart with all time displayed. MyStats used to show you the Pie Chart with only recorded hours. For example, when you have "Day" for the Time Range, and you have 12 hours recorded for that day, your Pie Chart will display only 12 hours as a whole. Therefore, you could see the ratio of each Activity within 12 hours, but you could not see it within 24 hours unless you fill the whole day with records.

On MyStats V1.20, you have a new setting called "Non-Recorded Time" on the setting screen of the Pie Chart. You can choose either "Ignore on the Pie Chart and Summary" as it has been, or "Include on the Pie Chart and Summary" as a new option.

I believe some users just don't need this new feature and some really do.

5. Notification List
Let's say a message pops up on your screen and you tap the Close button immediately without reading the message. After the message disappears, you start thinking you might have missed some useful information. Have you ever had this kind of experience? Again, I have.

So we added Notification List on the Help & Contacts menu. You can now check recently closed messages here.

How is it? Do you think you will like V1.20? We hope you will love it!

There are some other minor changes and improvements such as a better look for the Help menu, etc. At the end of this blog article, we'd like to tell you one more thing.

Since MyStats V1.20 has a lot of new features, we had to change the internal structure and data format. Therefore, when you open MyStats after updating to V1.20, data conversion will be processed. There will be instructions on the screen, but just to let you know in advance, here they are:

- This data conversion takes 30 seconds to 2 minutes depending on the amount of data recorded.
- If you close MyStats or open other apps during this process, data conversion is resumed and will be restarted when you reopen MyStats.

That's it for now. Have fun with MyStats V1.20. It'll be coming soon!

lifelog, time management, self-management
Self-Management, Time Management, Productivity, GTD... MyStats
Available on the App Store (For FREE!)