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June 26, 2011

Not Seeking Perfection

The following are reasons for not seeking perfection.

1. A lot of things do not have to be perfect

2. Perfection costs too much time, effort, etc.
Making something 100% from 90% costs more than double than making something 50% from 40%.

3. Perfect things are hard to change
Most of the things have to be continuously adjusted to the surroundings, but perfect things are difficult to adjust.

Of course there are some things we should seek perfection in, but other than that, we should be careful not to seek it unintentionally.

This is just a general statement, but FYI!
lifelog, time management, self-management
Time Management, Productivity, GTD... MyStats
Available on the App Store (For FREE!)

June 2, 2011

First Bug Fix

Last Thursday, we found a bug through a user review on the App Store. It's an error you get when you have a certain combination of conditions and once you get the error, you can't record.

The following is how we responded to the bug.

Thursday May 26th
- The user review appeared and the problem was found.
We added a message on the App Store description to inform the user that we started working on the problem.

- Identified the bug and started working on fixing it.
We added a message on the App Store description to inform how users can avoid this problem.

- Fixing complete.
Friday May 27th
- Started the test on the new version, V1.04

- Completed the test
Uploaded V1.04 to the App Store.
Thursday June 2nd
- Received "Review Done" notice from the App Store.

- Found that the new download for MyStats was switched to V1.04 on the App Store.

- Found MyStats on the App Store Updates list.

We'd like to apologize to the users who experienced this problem.

At the same time, we'd like to tell our users that we believe that we solved our first bug in the shortest period of time.

There is a lot more to do for making MyStats the best app for self-management, but we can do it!
lifelog, time management, self-management
Time Management, Productivity, GTD... MyStats
Available on the App Store (For FREE!)